


卡罗来纳州杜克能源公司提交了申请 它的请求 到N.C. 公用事业委员会今天提高了客户的费率, 它们位于北卡罗来纳州的中部和西部. 请求是13.6%的整体利率增长,其中包括10.6 percent average increase to outdoor lighting rates 和 a 29 percent increase to traffic signal service. This proposed rate increase comes after a similar request by Duke Energy Progress (DEP) in June, 当它要求一个14.其客户的总利率提高了9%. DEP的客户位于该州的中部和东部.

自2012年以来,这两家公用事业公司都没有要求提高费率. 在上次提出请求时, 市政365足彩下载代表市政当局进行干预, 结果减少了50% 许多其他节省 与公用事业公司最初的要求相比,市政客户. 的 goal of the League’s interventions was to reduce the financial burden that an increase in electricity rates would bring upon municipal 政府ernments served by each utility. 电费上涨会对市政预算产生重大影响, particularly in those cities 和 towns providing such services as water 和 wastewater treatment, 街道照明, 交通信号, 娱乐设施. 阅读有关该公用事业公司2017年备案的更多信息 在这里. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

N.C. 环境质量部(DEQ)宣布 a new voluntary program to assist municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4) 和 demonstrate to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the state’s commitment to building sustainable local stormwater programs. This program will, in turn, lessen permit reporting requirements for participating local 政府ernments.

的 new program is named the North Carolina MS4 Sustainable Stormwater Management Program (MS6), 和 it is a collaborative initiative of DEQ 和 League affiliate organizations the 北卡罗来纳州雨水协会(SWANC) 美国公共工程协会北卡罗莱纳州分会(APWA-NC), 与环境保护局-第4区合作.

而自愿和非管制, the MS6 program strives to build sustainable community stormwater management programs that focus on program efficiency, 有效性, 协作, 以及强有力的市政和社区支持. 的 intent is to develop 和 build a network of stormwater support across communities within the state through peer reviews, 365体育足彩报告和交流, 以及最佳实践的开发和分享. DEQ 和 EPA support the innovative program 和 recognize the goals of developing consistent, 可伸缩的, 可行的, 以及适应当地社区需要的适应性雨水措施, 同时满足州和联邦法规要求.

Communities that participate in the MS6 program in good st和ing will gain many benefits, 包括豁免DEQ每年的MS4许可证报告要求, access to a sustainable program framework with gap analysis review 和 guidance on six MS4 program areas, 参与者之间开放信息共享, 还能进入最佳实践的交流中心. 的y will also receive a consistent set of key metrics for evaluating 和 reporting the performance of their storm management programs. 有关MS6计划的更多信息可在 描述:网站 或联系罗伯特。 D. 帕特森,P.E. DEQ雨水计划(919-807-6369), 罗伯特。.Patterson@ncdenr.政府). 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯 

Municipal officials in southeast North Carolina this week heard a detailed review about local tourism's economic impact in a thorough 演讲 由N人穿上.C. 度假小镇和会议城市(RTCC),作者Dr. 卡罗来纳州人口统计中心的丽贝卡·蒂皮特,并在网上进行了直播. (365足彩下载已经存档了完整的音频文件.) 

这次演讲不仅仅是关于惊人的积极方面. “我们有很多关于旅游业好处的重要数据 ... but what we often don't have as clear of a picture of are really the flipside of the benefits, 或者是挑战, 或者从旅游业中获得这些好处所需要的投资,”医生说。. 蒂, 今年早些时候发布了一项关于该主题的研究结果. In 2015, 例如, 5500万游客前往或在北卡罗莱纳州境内旅游, 花费创纪录的21美元.90亿美元,并为州和地方带来20亿美元的税收收入. 旅游业还提供了约21.1万个就业岗位. 蒂. RTCC赞助了 完整的报告.

该报告指出,一个城镇要支持这些数字需要付出很多努力. For example, planning 和 capacities must be geared toward seasonal peaks,这 can be costly. 的 study captures those often-missed challenges for resort towns 和 convention cities, 橡树岛是其中一个被调查的社区. 如果你所在城镇的经济受到旅游业或会议活动的影响, 请联系橡岛市长陈365体育足彩册 关于加入RTCC.

北卡罗来纳州议会已经开始了新一轮的否决, 周四有两次,周一可能会有更多. 众议院投票否决了州长的提议. 罗伊·库珀的否决 hb770各种澄清变化 周四下午提交参议院审议. 州长穿着他的 否决消息 对法案的部分内容有异议吗, including one that he characterized as the legislature "taking" appointment power over two seats on the state's Medical Board, 他称这是“对行政权力的侵犯,是不必要的”."

众议院也投票推翻了奥巴马的否决 HB 140牙科计划供应商合同/透明度,这 政府. 库珀说 会给那些“负担不起”的借款人造成困难的债务状况吗." WRAL 引用代表. John Szoka反驳了这一说法. 州长还否决了另外三项法案 HB 205, HB 511HB 576 ——可能会在周一的众议院日程上出现推翻投票, 据报道. HB 205 is a bill that includes a pilot program in Guilford County for the electronic publication of 政府ernment notices in lieu of newspaper publication.

参议院, 在周五, decided to put off consideration of the two vetoes overridden by the House until Tuesday, 而是专注于重新划分新的立法区. 的 House also held a committee meeting 在周五 focused on the creation of new legislation districts in response to court rulings tossing aside existing districts. Although legislators largely completed the annual legislative session 和 their work for the year back in June, 他们同意继续返回罗利讨论选区重新划分问题, 库珀州长的否决, 和 a few bills that House 和 Senate negotiators had not come to final agreement on.

Registration for Connect CityVision 2017 -- the League's annual conference just ahead in Greenville -- is almost at capacity. 但是我们提供 最后一次机会 致有意注册的潜在用户 提前在网上报名在午夜(周五)前完成 to save your place at the best annual conference for North Carolina's municipal officials, 定于9月. 20-23. 与会者将发现连接技术的最佳实践, 到邻近的城镇, 给区域项目和组织, 以及有影响力的领导能力. 任何参加过以往CityVision会议的人都知道, it's your best chance to join with hundreds of municipal officials from across North Carolina to network 和 learn. (阅读最新的南方城市的未来.)截止日期后,所有有关会议出席的问题请直接发送至 events@taogoods.net. Day-of registration may also be available, but the final spots are filling quickly.

Several early-stage tech businesses in cities large 和 small will share in nearly $2 million meant to help their initial growth. “这些拨款是帮助刺激新产品和新产业的关键工具, 增加全州高收入工作的数量, 提高我们社区的生活质量,“政府. 罗伊·库珀在一次采访中说 新闻稿 about the funds,这 came through the state's One North Carolina Small Business program.

的 state funds are matches to money awarded through competitive federal programs for small business growth in the tech or innovation fields. 根据国家规定, more than 250 companies in 47 cities 和 25 counties in North Carolina have benefited from the match program. Since the program's rollout in 2005, 85 percent of funding recipients are still in business. 的 新闻稿 提供32个最新收件人的名称和位置.

鼓励市政当局向联合国提交建议.C. 交通运输部 2018年自行车和行人规划资助计划,这 provides funding for cities 和 towns across the state for the creation of comprehensive bike 和 pedestrian plans. 根据机构的说法, 人口少于5人的小社区,000元亦可申请发展单车及行人结合计划. 任何规模的社区都可以申请制定走廊/区域规划. 以电子方式提交申请的截止日期为11月11日. 朝九晚五.m. 获奖者将于2018年3月前收到通知. Around $5 million 有 been awarded through this program to 183 cities 和 towns in North Carolina since 2004, 根据机构的说法. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Nick Scheuer(919) 707-2608或 nrscheuer@ncdot.政府.
的 National League of Cities 有 opened an application period for leadership slots, 包括军官, 董事会成员和倡导委员会的席位. “作为董事会成员, you join an elite group of local leaders who are guiding our organization 和 shaping the future of cities,这个职位的描述是这样说的. "A position on our board of directors offers unparalleled opportunities to affect change at the national level while raising your profile as a city leader.”指令 都在NLC的网站上.
该州宽带基础设施办公室 有没有发布简单的指南 市中心如何传播他们的WiFi项目. "Providing free wifi in your downtown can be an excellent way to encourage people to spend more time at local shops 和 businesses, 不断增长的本地收入和市场竞争力. But many local communities struggle with spreading the word about this feature," the office says. 其中包括“免费WiFi”标牌. 了解更多 在这里.