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事情发生的经过: A pair of vetoes from 政府. 大会临时会议继续进行的时候,罗伊·库珀在琼斯街上空徘徊.
这意味着什么?: One of the bills in question took control of how the six constitutional amendment proposals will appear before voters on the ballot this fall; the other dealt with party affiliation disclosure on the ballot's judicial races. 库珀州长认为,这两项法案都有政治倾向,并有意误导选民支持共和党, claims that legislative leaders​ roundly disputed.
利用: 周六召开的立法会议将推翻州长的否决,使这些法案成为法律.
瘦子: 政府ernor Cooper's vetoes were never likely to stick, 因为有争议的投票法案是共和党占绝对多数的立法机构召开额外会议的核心原因之一. Read on for the details. 

There's no reason to delay. CityVision 2018 pre-registration is open, but for a limited time. CityVision, in Hickory on Sept. 19-21, 365足彩下载的首要活动是充满了引人入胜的主题演讲和信息丰富的会议,将给你的工具,你需要面对你的家乡的挑战吗. 今年, CityVision将在每次大会后提供圆桌讨论,以解决共同面临的挑战, 与区域合作伙伴建立联系,并参与便利的讨论,以获得可以立即使用的实用信息.
这是全州市政官员深入研究宽带和技术等问题的最佳机会, 基础设施, branding your municipality and, 最重要的是, grants -- finding the money you need to prepare your municipality for tomorrow. 年会也是会员选举官员和修改宪法或章程的地方. Pre-registration ends Friday, Aug. 24, so register early​​​ to avoid increased walk-in registration fees. 

立法者定于周六投票决定是否推翻州长盖过的两项否决. 罗伊•库珀. The bills in question, passed quickly in an ongoing extra session of the General Assembly, affect the ballot that will go before voters in November. 一个法案, HB 3​, sets how captions to six constitutional amendment proposals (as reported in last week's Bulletin)是有文字的. 根据账单, 只有“宪法修正案”字样会出现在选票上,然后再向选民提问, 取代了原本由州委员会负责为修正案撰写简短标题的程序. (Two of that commission's three members are elected Democrats, 这在共和党党团会议上引发了讨论,认为委员会会在标题的措辞中注入政治策略.) The other bill, SB 3, 确保一名司法候选人在提交申请前90天在选票上代表其所属政党. 媒体 outlets note 该法案似乎是针对一位最近才转变为共和党的候选人, leading lawmakers to question his sincerity. If the legislature overrides the veto and puts the bill into law, that candidate won't have an R next to his name on the ballot. The same 90-day rule applies to many other offices.
政府ernor Cooper explained his vetoes in 一份声明 上个星期五, 实质上是说HB 3使选民无法对宪法修正案及其通过后的影响进行任何澄清. 他说,SB 3对已经提交申请的候选人改变规则是错误的,这是在操纵一场正在进行的竞选. 立法 leaders including House Speaker Tim Moore shot back soonafter, 认为“宪法修正案”的标题简化了选民的事情,将90天规则适用于司法候选人是一种符合标准的改变. “我们将推翻这些否决,在今年11月的选票上传递清晰一致的选民信息," Speaker Moore said. Saturday's session is scheduled for 11 a.m. 参众两院. In other news, Senate Rules Chairman Bill Rabon on Thursday filed a sine die adjournment resolution.

State Treasurer Dale Folwell is reporting overall gains of 7.3 percent for fiscal year 2017-18 in the state pension fund, though with a 1.3 percent increase in earnings to date. That's 根据… 新闻稿 his office issued Thursday. “For the first six months of 2018, the plan has paid out over $3 billion in benefits, $300 million in Wall Street fees while earnings were essentially flat,” Treasurer Folwell said. “Additionally, the twenty-year average of 6.1 percent misses the assumed rate of return by almost an entire percentage point.” The release breaks it down with details and highlights. 

政府. 罗伊•库珀 on Monday issued an 行政命令 该州申请2500万美元的联邦资金来对抗阿片类药物的泛滥. “我们必须做更多的工作来对抗北卡罗来纳州的阿片类药物危机,这些拨款将帮助我们在预防和治疗阿片类药物成瘾和拯救生命方面取得关键进展," the governor said. Under the order, the N.C. 卫生与公众服务部将从药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局的预防拨款项目中寻求2200万美元, treatment and recovery help for 5,000 or more North Carolinians. 该州机构还将向疾病控制与预防中心申请300万美元,用于加强对过量用药数据的跟踪和报告,以便该州更好地制定策略. A 新闻稿 about the 行政命令 provides more detail.

More and more towns are joining 我们在这里成长, 我们全州范围内的经济发展365体育足彩活动,展示了市政当局对北卡罗莱纳州的集体价值. The latest additions, among others to come, 这个100%免费的资源包括格林维尔和维克森林——每个都详细说明了市政厅的投资和合作如何促进了更好的业务增长和生活质量. 在格林维尔, 这个故事突出了一个由公共和私人合作伙伴组成的变革性道路项目,以及他们对新连接的热情,他们的努力将为这个不断发展的城市提供支持. 格林维尔市长说:“如果格林维尔是认真的,我们就必须与我们的合作伙伴一起发展经济.J. 康纳利. 在维克森林这是一个关于战略投资引发市中心“复兴”的可靠故事. “小镇已经 ... 在整个市区的公共基础设施规划和投资方面做得很好," a private developer says of Wake Forest.
把你的故事添加到“我们在这里成长”中,让更多的人关注你所在城镇的投资和合作伙伴关系,并让更多的人关注所有其他的当地投资. Every time a town joins the 我们在这里成长 movement, a pin goes onto a virtual map showing the location. 只要看一眼地图,就会对整个州的市政集体价值有一个深刻的印象——但还有很多事情要做. If your town hasn't joined 我们在这里成长, it's missing an amazing opportunity. 发送电子邮件至 今天加入.

州海岸管理局(DCM)正在接受20个沿海县的地方政府提出的2019财政年度规划和管理补助金的建议, 根据… 新闻发布会上. 总共可获得10万美元的匹配资金,每个项目最多可获得2万美元. The deadline is Sept. 14. Projects focused on natural hazards and storm recovery will be prioritized. Read the 新闻稿 for more information, including how to apply.