


事情发生的经过: Another mostly quiet week, at least as compared to those of recent months. We're now past all the hard bill deadlines at the General Assembly. CityVision (the League's big, annual conference covered in 上周简报)也在我们身后. 剩下的? Oh, yes -- the state's master spending plan.
单词释义: 众议院在五月初 批准并通过了24美元.50亿预算 ​to the Senate, which is now working out its version of the plan and is likely to differ on details.
利用: 的 Senate's budget is expected next week, 哪一个将是达成妥协文件的第二个里程碑,两院可以同意将妥协文件送交州长签署. 但这里有个问题. Both the House and Senate remain in 代表ublican control, 但这一次,没有了过去与民主党控制的州长办公室的分歧所带来的不会被否决的多数票. 如果政府. Roy Cooper has enough of an issue with the budget this year that he vetoes it, 也许还有更多的工作要做.
瘦子: 各种线索, 包括立法者对通常在立法会议后半段出现的项目(如监管改革)的关注, tell us we're on the homestretch -- though it's anyone's guess, 考虑到当地的因素, as to when the 2019 long session will actually close. North Carolina's legislature isn't held to a session deadline like in other states. 州长是怎么处理预算的, and what priorities remain for lawmakers, will determine how long the homestretch really is this year. In the meantime, we still have bills to follow. 继续阅读要点.

​的 co-chairs of the House Municipal Caucus, 代表s. Gale Adcock and Steve Ross, led this week the first hearing on HB 557市政综合法案. 的 caucus chairs co-sponsored the bill, 哪一个会改变州法律的八个不同领域,以减少繁文缛节,提高城镇的行政效率. 的 房子的状态 & 地方政府委员会 gave the bill a favorable report Wednesday after robust discussion. 的 bill included items related to two policy priorities identified by municipal officials. 第一个是,当县委员会改变在各市之间分配销售税的方法时,该县必须向其所属的各市发出通知, from two months prior to the new fiscal year to seven months prior. 第二项提案将扩大拥有这类项目的市政当局提供的经济适用房援助. Other measures in the bill include eliminating a match requirement for municipalities in the most economically distressed counties when applying for grants from the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund; allowing municipalities to annex NCDOT right-of-way; allowing local governments to cease tax collection efforts of unpaid taxes after 10 years; ensuring finance officers are not personally liable if a vendor failed to follow required notifications for automatic contract renewals; reducing public hearing requirements for certain expenditures made within a municipal service district; and correcting the system development fee law to ensure that fee revenues may be spent on debt for certain capital expenses. 接下来该法案将被转移到 众议院财政委员会.

供大家讨论 Senate Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Committee​ 本周是 SB 536 Water/Wastewater Public Enterprise Reform, 一个为期一年的立法研究委员会的工作,负责研究与公共事业公用事业费率有关的各种问题. 最终焦点缩小到 the more-than $17 billion of water and sewer infrastructure needs statewide and the continued financial viability of certain utilities based on their infrastructure needs.
SB 536 would do many things to try to address water and wastewater utility viability, 包括建立一个新的拨款项目, administered by the State Water Infrastructure Authority, called the “Viable Utility Reserve Fund.在委员会会议上, 然而, Senators said they were still trying to determine the best financial mechanism to fund these grants, 注意到账单中现有的方法——由公共供水或污水处理公用事业公司的每个废水和水客户每月支付1美元的附加费——可能不是最好的方法. 其他来源 reported this week that the surcharge approach would be removed from the bill.
在创建拨款计划时, it directs the type of water and wastewater system projects it can fund, including assistance for physical interconnection of systems; rehabilitation of existing infrastructure; decentralization; and the study rates, 资产清单, 合并和区域化选择. In their discussions about system challenges, senators noted the changing demographics of North Carolina; the lessening of federal funding to utilities; and the inability in some areas to charge ratepayers what is needed to keep the system in good condition. 的y also talked about the fact that merger, 整合, 区域化通常是不切实际的,因为财务状况良好的公用事业公司不会因为与陷入困境的公用事业公司合并而加重现有纳税人的负担. 委员会会谈认识到,应该有一个适当的结构,向公用事业公司提供生存补助金,使它们回到合并的基线, 区域化, or a sale of the system could even be possible without mandating such measures. 

在琼斯街的其他议案中, 本周,参议院农业和环境问题委员会提出了一项监管改革提案, 在其他变化中, would repeal the statewide ban on discarded computers and televisions from landfills. sb553 2019年监管改革法案 现在在参议院的规则委员会(任何议案在参议院通过之前的正式终止) Senate Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Committee 星期四批准了. 媒体 coverage conveyed from bill sponsor Sen. Andy Wells that today's flatscreens aren't as hulking as their boxy predecessors, and that their recycling isn't always in high demand, “因此,如果地方政府愿意的话,最好允许他们在垃圾填埋场里处理电子产品, 而不是让它们堆积起来," as 罗利新闻 & 观察员报告 讨论的要点. WNCT引用 an opponent of the measure concerned with the proper handling and environmental safety of such devices, which may contain hazardous componentry, 根据报告.
本周,参议院全体通过了一项单独的法案,该法案将改变地方政府财政官员的职责. 接近尾声 HB 233 State Auditor/Local Finance Officer Amends is an added power to contract with outside entities like certified public accountants, 记账公司, councils of government and other units of government to ensure the officer's duties are fulfilled. 地方政府委员会(Local Government Commission)也可以根据提案制定规定,规定财务官员的最低资格,如果发现地方政府或公共机构在履行职责方面存在其他不足,可以要求它们与外部实体签订合同. 的 bill originated in the House and received Senate amendments before the latter chamber's approval, so it has to go back to the House for concurrence. That's on the House calendar for May 28.
众议院的一个委员会已经签署了一项法案,该法案将建立一个北卡罗来纳州博彩委员会,对彩票等领域进行监督, 幻想体育, 宾果游戏和类似的活动, 并将研究体育博彩, 最近在美国备受青睐.S. 最高法院判决 overturning a law that stopped states from authorizing it. It's still unauthorized in North Carolina, but bill sponsor 代表. Harry Warren told the House Commerce Committee this week, during light debate over HB 929博彩委员会, 像梦幻体育游戏这样的活动无论如何都很受欢迎,在这个州应该有一些责任. 代表. Deb Butler在讨论中暗示,政府可以从授权游戏中获得可观的收入. 的 bill has more committee stops before it can reach a floor vote.

Knowledge is a powerful driver for the 2020 Census -- the big, decennial headcount loaded with determinants for communities of all sizes -- according to 调查结果 美国.S. 人口普查局刚刚发布. “知道人口普查指导一个社区从政府得到多少钱是人们对人口普查做出回应的最重要原因," the Bureau reported this week in analysis of the new survey, which sought to better understand current public perception. 调查发现,不到一半的受访者知道人口普查是大量公共资金分配的依据. Further, about 40 percent felt it didn't matter whether the 2020 Census counted them. 18-34岁的人回答说,他们最不可能认为他们参与人口普查有什么关系. 另外, 四分之一的受访者对他们将被要求提供的信息的保密性表示担忧, though the Bureau frequently touts its safety and security protocols. 法律还保护人口普查结果. 
“焦点小组认为,鼓励社会上受信任的声音作出回应,可能会增加对政府最不信任的人的参与,统计局说, 呼应了地方领导人(无论是否当选)告知居民参与的好处的重要性. 的 League's 市政方程 podcast early this year released an episode looking at the 2020 Census and how it affects communities, with insights from the Census Bureau, National League of Cities, state government and academia. Listen, download or share that episode online.